আইডিআরএ কর্তৃক চালুকৃত হটলাইন নাম্বারঃ #১৬১৩০
সম্মানিত বীমা পলিসি গ্রাহকগণকে বীমা দাবী সংক্রান্ত যে কোন ধরনের অভিযোগ বীমা উন্নয়ন ও নিয়ন্ত্রণ কর্তৃপক্ষ (আইডিআরএ) এর হটলাইন নম্বর- ১৬১৩০ এ যোগাযোগ করুন, ইস্টার্ন হটলাইন #02223383033-34.
Eastern Insurance: Protect Your Property with Comprehensive Fire Insurance Coverage.
Eastern Insurance: Safeguard Your Cargo with Reliable Marine Insurance Coverage.
Eastern Insurance: Secure Your Ride with Comprehensive Motor Insurance Protection.
Eastern Insurance: Ensure Your Health with Reliable Medical Insurance Coverage.
Eastern Insurance: Secure Your Journey with Comprehensive Travel Insurance Protection.
Eastern Insurance Co. Ltd. is one of the pioneer in general insurance business operating in the private sector of Bangladesh. The Company started its operation in the year 1986. The authorized capital of the company is Tk.100,00,00,000.00 and paid up capital is Tk.43,11,01,440.00 It is a limited Company and listed with DSE & CSE in the year 1994 and 1996 respectively. The Company has a network of 25 Branches all over the country covering all important business centers of the country.